Image of Rock Investigation
12 December 2018

Rock Investigation

Here you can see that we have carried out a scientific investigation today. We have been comparing a range of rocks to find out how durable they are.

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Image of Mysterious Findings!
26 November 2018

Mysterious Findings!

You will never guess what has happened today! Following a tip off, we were amazed to discover the skulls of two Stone Age animals buried in the eco garden. We are going to find out as much as we can and write a report on our findings.

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Image of Stone Age Workshop
15 November 2018

Stone Age Workshop

We have had a lovely morning! We had a workshop ran by the local Musuem  which was all about the Stone Age. It was a lot of fun and we have all enhanced our knowledge and understanding of this exciting era.

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Image of Stone Age Investigations with a difference!
8 November 2018

Stone Age Investigations with a difference!

We wanted to find out what our Stone Age ancestors ate and the only way we could find out was by dissecting their poo! Miss Kinsey managed to acquire some (extremely safe) samples from the British Museum and we had a good look to see which foods they ate.  We all really enjoyed theā€¦

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Image of Stone Age Communication
7 November 2018

Stone Age Communication

In our lesson today, we wanted to find out how our Stone Age ancestors might have communicated with each other. We know that they wouldn't have had the same language skills that we have today so we had a game of charades. We found communicating without being able to speak quite challenging!

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Image of Rugby
7 November 2018


Every Wednesday afternoon, we are having a rugby lesson outside on the school field.  We might get a bit muddy but we are learning valuable skills. Please can everyone have a pair of trainers to wear as pumps aren't waterproof. Many thanks.

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Image of Yabba Dabba Doooooo!
1 November 2018

Yabba Dabba Doooooo!

The Year Three team would like to say a huge thank-you to every member of Year 3 and their grown-ups. We had a good look at everyone's learning log today and they are AMAZING! Well done everyone!

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Image of Super Scribe!
9 October 2018

Super Scribe!

We have been busy vipers in Year 3 today.  We have been using and applying our knowledge of reading vipers today to help us to understand what we have read. 

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Image of When The World Turned Upside Down
3 October 2018

When The World Turned Upside Down

Here we are exploring different ways to perform a poem about the world which suddenly turned upside down.

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Image of No Pen(cil) Wednesday
3 October 2018

No Pen(cil) Wednesday

Here we are practicing our three times table by playing quiz quiz trade. We also played a place value game that the children will be bringing home on Friday.

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Image of Harvest
24 September 2018


Here we are thinking about the meaning behind Harvest in preparation for the forthcoming Harvest Festival. 

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Image of Spelling
21 September 2018


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