As part of our work towards being awarded Eco Green Flag Status, we took this piece of unused, overgrown land on our school grounds.......   



....... and developed an Eco Garden.  Here are some photos of the journey we took in creating the Garden:

As you can see a lot of hard work has gone into developing the Eco Garden.  Just because we have been awarded Green Flag Status, this does not mean the work has finished.... OH NO!!! ...... we will continue to develop and improve our Eco Garden so that the children have access to incredible outdoor learning experiences.


Our Eco Team has continued to work on our Eco Garden during our half termly Eco meetings. They have been helped by the whole school during our Eco Days when the focus of the day is to further develop this beautiful area of our school. We recently held an Eco Day and rebuilt our pond area as well as spending time tidying up the polytunnel ready for planting. Mr Williams, our Site Manager, and Mr Seggie, our Eco Governor, have recycled pallets from our neighbours, Elite Greenhouses, to create new fences for the garden. Take a look at all our children lending a helping hand to our Eco Team on our last Eco Day...... 

If you would like to help us with our Eco journey in any way, please contact Mrs Bonnar in the School Office on 01204 333642.