The role of a Learning Mentor is to work with pupils of all abilities to reach their full potential by helping them overcome any barriers to their learning.
Barriers to learning can include many factors such as:
Anger management issues
Low self confidence
Poor study skills
Family problems
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Staff in school identify pupils who may benefit from working with our Learning Mentor.
Our Learning Mentor, Mr David Haslam, will support, help them understand and address the issues which are preventing them from learning.
The role is also to work with the families of these children to ensure they have the support to address concerns. The value of positive and active involvement by parents cannot be overstated. Here at St Stephen's we value strong home-school links. Parental support is vital to children's achievements.
In most cases, staff in school will have identified those in need of support. However, if parents/carers have concerns they should not hesitate to contact school to make an appointment with our Learning Mentor.
There are also a number of useful websites which you may access by clicking on the links below containing information about a variety of family issues.
Winston's Wish: Support and information for parents, carers and professionals supporting children affected by death. Tel: 08088 020 021
Once Upon A Smile: A dedicated bereavement hub for families in Greater Manchester. Tel: 0161 711 0339
Grief Encounter: Support for children and families when somebody close dies. Tel: 0808 802 0111
BBC Bitesize: Useful information for parents and young people regarding transition to secondary school
Family Lives: Providing support and advice to families. Tel: 0808 800 2222
NSPCC: Providing support for parents and families in caring for children
Relate: Support, advice and information for families experiencing a variety of family life problems, not just marital. There is a live chat facility available
Young Minds: Help and support for parents regarding mental health issues in young people. A parent helpline is available. Tel: 0808 802 5544
Kooth: Help and advice for teachers and parents relating to mental health issues
Mind: Help and support for parents offered by a mental health charity. Tel: 0300 123 3393
Childline: A counselling service for parents, children and young people. Tel: 0800 1111
Gingerbread: A charity supporting single parent families to live secure, happy and fulfilling lives. Tel: 0207 428 5400
Cruse: Offering support, advice and information to children and young people when someone dies. Tel: 0808 808 1677
AnxietyUK: A charity offering confidential advice and support for those with anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression. Tel: 03444 775 774
Mermaids: Family and individual support for gender diverse and transgender children
Stress Management for Pupils
Explaining Mental Health