Parental involvement is vital in ensuring that our children are happy and succeed well in school. At St Stephen's we value the support our parents give us. Being awarded the Leading Parent Partnership Award for the second time since 2011 shows how strong the home-school relationship is. We keep our parents fully informed about school life through a number of different approaches:
'Meet the Teacher' Night - an annual event at the start of the school year when parents come in to school and listen to their child's teacher talk to parents, in classrooms, about expectations and the work their child will be undertaking throughout the year. Parents leave the evening with a pack from their child's class teacher which provides them with the relevant information for the coming year, including how they can help their child at home. The pack is also placed on their child's class page so that it can be accessed whenever it is needed.
Parents' Evenings - twice a year, March and November, parents are invited to come into school to talk to the teacher about their child's progress.
Weekly Newsletters - e-mailed home each Friday, posted on the website, displayed in Parents' Noticeboard.
Weekly Celebration Assemblies - weekly assemblies on Friday afternoons when we celebrate children's achievements.
Parents' Noticeboard - topical information is displayed on a notice board situated at the main entrance.
Twitter Account - @StStephensKM1
Letters - we send individual letters home to parents for specific activities and events where permission slips may be required for the children to be able to take part.
Class Dojo - a school communication platform which teachers can use every day to share and keep parents informed on school happenings.