Don't forget tomorrow is the big sale for mini enterprise. The children will be able to spend their money ( no more than £1) on any stall of their choosing. The children will be released from classes in houses, this was decided by a draw of the four houses, Windermere, Coniston, Derwent and Ulllswater ( in that order). All products are no more than 50p so the children will be able to make purchases from their own stall and that of other classes if they choose to do so. The children have been demonstrating their accountancy skills by calculating coatings, profit margins and money handling by working out equivalent values so if selected to run the sales side of the Squishy Head Company they'll be ready for all eventualities. Thank you in advance for all your support and generosity for making our financial capabilities week so successful. Remember the money section of the learning wall is always available to continue to consolidate this learning over the holidays.