This term is another busy term packed to the brim with lots of different learning experiences. Miss Khurshid will be joining the Year 2 teaching team and will be developing her skills as a teacher whilst she is on placement with us. She will be working alongside the children initially getting to know them and classroom routines etc before team teaching many sessions up until Christmas. This gives me a great opportunity to support specific groups extending their learning further or offer extra individualised support for others as the expectation for all children intensifies as we creep ever closer to being a member of KS2 with a gentle sprinkling of SATs inbetween. Our PE specialist coaches will continue to lead PE on Tuesdays and Miss Clegg will continue to drive the development of handwriting across the Year 2 classroom on a Tuesday. Enrichment will continue on a Friday afternoon for all children and our ususal mega maths Mondays and spelling tests on Friday will remain a feature of the week.