Spellings & Homework over half term
Spellings have been given out to children today. These will be tested on the first Friday back at school after half term. Your child also has a piece of maths homework and a piece of English homework. This is to be completed and returned on the first Friday back to school.
We are learning about symmetry in maths today.
How many symmetrical patterns are there in your house?
Are our faces symmetrical?
Try and investigate these questions with your child tonight.
Beautiful mosaics
Here is just a few of the amazing mosaics the children have completed for their homework. These are going to make a lovely display in our classroom.
Thank you to parents for your help with materials and a bit of drawing!
Eye of the tiger!
This week in brass the children have been learning and playing the famous Rocky theme tune.
Love is in the air...
Today we have been writing poems about what love is to us. As well as creating some art work to go with it. Our work will be featured on our new display.
Safer Internet Day
Lots of discussions this morning about how to stay safe online.
Roman board games
This afternoon we are designing and creating Roman God and Goddess board games.
Maths Games
We have been playing some maths games this morning in class, as part of NSPCC Number Day.
In the hotseat
We have been hot seating this afternoon. The children have been in character as different Romans.