Shape Problem Solving
Today we have worked in groups to solve some tricky Maths problems.
Mr Lasan's Learning Log
This afternoon Mr Lasan came to visit us to share his Learning Log. He showed us lots of photographs from his trip to Gambia. We had a great time and learnt lots of new things. Thank you Mr Lasan!
Habitat Sorting
Today we have been working in groups to sort different living things into their habitats.
3D Shapes
Today we have started to learn about 3D shapes. We had lots of fun handling real shapes and then using nets to make our own. Once we had managed to make our shapes we named them and talked about their proprerties.
Ready to Drum!
This morning we were very lucky to have a go at traditional African drumming. We had lots of fun and learnt all about drumming in Africa and how they are part of their culture.
Pitching our Product
Today we all helped to advertise our chocolate nests. Hopefully we'll have lots of visitors at our stall tomorrow.