Great Fire of London Workshop
Don't forget to ask your child about their workshop tomorrow afterschool as they learn about all things fire related in 1666. I can't wait.
Nessy Learning developing our spelling and grammar strategies
We are using videos from youtube brought to you by Nessy. These videos are responsible for the "Oh you lucky ducky" song (for "ould" words) and other visual learning strategies, I have had lots of parents asking about it and it may be useful to take a look at some of them with your child to…
New App on our learning wall to encourage learning and movement
We have started using a brand new resource that launched this week. There are lots of catchy songs to develop your childs knowledge of the KS1 curriculum presented by familiar faces from across the BBC network with being active a core element in each video. The children really enjoyed it.
London and Digital Literacy
The children loved researching London landmarks and using their digital literacy skills to share it
Advance Notice - A card box required!
Please save a cardbox (approximately shoe box sized or a cereal box) because this half term I will be setting a challenge (to be completed at home and returned to schoo)l to create a tudor building found around the time in London during the great fire to help develop a 3D classroom area to really…
Christmas accessories
If your child wants to wear a Christmas hat or boppers for Christmas lunch they are more than welcome to and I am sure lots of the staff will join in the fun.
Christmas Jumpers and Dinner Day tomorrow
Don't forget that Tuesday is our annual Christmas jumper and dinner day and to support our local charity we are asking for a one pound donation to support a worthy cause. Please remember that your child's Christmas jumper just replaces their school jumper for the day and that their regular uniform…