Nasal Flu Spray Administered
If you opted for your child to receive the nasal flu spray it has been administered today by the health professionals.
Christmas Fayre Fun
Thank you for all your support with this fund raiser for FOSSS
Don't forget your festive knits!
Tomorrow is Christmas Dinner Day and it would be fabulous to recreate the Christmas jumper spectacular from Friday when we supported the Key 103 Mission Christmas Appeal!
'Twas the night before Christmas...
Today we have explored the life of St Nicholas and are hoping to learn the poem featuring him just in time for Christmas. The poem has an amazing twenty eight verses so you'll only get to hear a short extract at home of the one your child has rehearsed as this is a collaborative recital in class…
Breakfast Club Fun
It was lovely to see the children being creative in our breakfast club ( provided by Y2K) this morning. It really made me smile as the children were deeply engrossed in their festive biscuit decorating.
Money Matters
Over the past two weeks we have been developing our knowledge of money, finding equivalent amounts, totals and giving change. If your child wants to explore money any further please look at the learning wall for lots of money games to consolidate learning associated with money including addition…
Christmas Dinner Day (and Crafts, and Christmas Jumpers) - Thursday
Thursday 15th December is our whole school Christmas Dinner. Children, staff and Governors will sit down together for a real 'school family' occasion. There will be party hats, crackers and plenty of Christmas cheer. Remember that if your child usually has a packed lunch and you have opted for a…
Christmas Coffee Afternoon - Wednesday
FOSSS (Friends of St Stephen's School) are holding a Coffee Afternoon in the School Hall on Wednesday 14th December at 1.45 p.m. They would like to invite all of you to come along and enjoy a coffee and a cake whilst listening to our wonderful school choir prior to collecting your child at the end…
Mega Maths Competitors
A super effort this week by all children with a special mention to Anya for the most improved score. Well done to this week's successful competitors - Sam, Cormac, Jaylan, Alinah, Cruz, Megan, Taleah, Charlie, Kody, Ava and Isla!
Spelling Results
This week's spelling test has produced some super spellers including Libby, Alinah, Megan, Emily, Blake, Kody, Charlie, Aidan, Ava and special recognition goes to Oliver T, Jaylan and Sam for continuously improving their scores. Well done everyone. As Christmas is almost upon us there will be no…