Tomorrow is Carnival Day
As part of our carnival the children will be making muffins and outfits befitting a St Lucian Carnial, if you have any spare newspaper could you please send it into class tomorrow to help support this event. Thank you in advance.
Multiple towers
Today we played a game of multiple towers identifying the patterns created on a 100 square when you locate multiples of 2,3,5 and 10. The next time we revisit this game we will be looking for numbers that are in more than one multiplication pattern.
Super mega maths challengers
Full marks today... almost ready for the next challenge!
Reader of the week
Fabulous daily reading from this weeks winner.
Spelling success and next weeks spellings are...
A monster effort this week on our spellings, remember if you are finding learning all twelve a bit tricky focus on the six easiest ones. A special well done needs to go to Emily, Alinah, Charlie, Ava, Megan, Kody, Alisia, Libby, Blake, and Isla who achieved full marks and also to Oliver P and…
Sumdog Success
Today we have accessed our Sumdog accounts via the handy learning tile on our classes learning wall. Your child has designed their very own avatar to complete a range of mathematical challenges aimed at extending their learning in school, why not take a look at their creation and access some of…
Harvest Celebration
Tomorrow is our Harvest service in Church during our morning worship time and it would be great to see the church filled with tins and packets for those less fortunate than ourselves. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
The forecast for Friday is spellings
Please could all purple books be returned tomorrow for are very first spelling test.