Let's be Children
The children really deserve the opportunity to be themselves and have self selected their own activities for the afternoon from dominoes, writing, crafting and building in collaboration with each other.
And Relax.........
I'm very proud of each and every child this week who have shown real determination and stamina, really rising to the challenge of the new curriculum.
The Name's Bond...... Number Bond
Check out the new learning tile on our learning wall aimed at promoting mathematical fluency of those key mathematical facts. How well do YOU score?
Prehistoric Organisms
The children have become very engrossed in our prehistoric learning so much so it's catching! Our TA student, Miss Morse has kindly donated some triops for us to harvest in the class. This amazing organism hasn't changed over millions of years! We will keep you updated on the hatching of our…
Reader of the Week
Keep up the monster effort. Remember to use your reading bookmark to really stretch your thinking about the text.
Phonics and Spelling Support
On Friday the children attempted a SAT style spelling assessment, although the children tried their best they still found the spellings of unknown words pesky. Weekly the children have gone from strength to strength with their weekly spelling test (over two thirds of the class gaining top marks…
Number Bond Challenge
Does your child need to improve their fluency recalling their basic number bonds or need a further challenge? If so put them to the test by solving the one big traingle challenge on our learning wall. Can your child get it in the first attempt? Do they work systematically? Can they justify their…