Here we creating exhibits for the world famous Fraction Museum. The children have really enjoyed taking part in this activity and I am sure that they would like to create one at home as well.
Learning Logs
We have spent some time this afternoon looking at the wonderful learning logs that the children have made at home. They are absolutely amazing and a tremendous amount of hard work and effort have gone into them. A huge thank-you to everyone!
It's Dinner Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmme!
A big thumbs up from year three and a massive thank you to Andrea and her kitchen team!
We finished reading our class novel today. We have all really enjoyed the story and can't wait to read our next book.
Team Work
We are working in small groups this afternoon. We have to work out whether given events took place in the Stone Age or the Bronze Age. We all have to be in complete agreement and justify our choices.
Year 3 Superstars!
Wow! Golden Boot winners for the fourth week on the trot. Well done everyone!
Here we are investigating the strength of different magnets.
We began our learning about instructional writing by making a paper snowflake to hang in our classroom. We all found it a lot harder than we thought!