The reading sequence of our home / school reading books
Today we have carried out reading assessments to ensure your child's book and improving comprehension are a perfect partnership. Many of our children will be receiving certificates in the coming weeks. Recent assessments in class have shown that reading needs to be a focus for the class. The…
A new term equals a new challenge
We will be exploring materials and their properties through the use of the Fantastic Four. We will also link our artwork to superheroes too. On Monday we will begin with a quiz identifying superheroes through their siloheuttes (this is a sneaky peak) before trying to create their own using Modroc.…
A new half term begins...
This term is another busy term packed to the brim with lots of different learning experiences. Miss Khurshid will be joining the Year 2 teaching team and will be developing her skills as a teacher whilst she is on placement with us. She will be working alongside the children initially getting to…
A pack of pirates singing sea shanties
A fab day... thanks for all your support. Have a great half term.
The Pirates have set sail and are on course for the Year 2 Classroom
It's the long awaited pirate day today. Your child will not require their uniform as today they have been invited to wear pirate clothes to make the day extra special. Please note the spelling test will take place on the first Friday back as detailed in their spelling book.
Pirate hard tack recipes
Preparations are well underway for our pirate day tomorrow
Pirate hardtack preparations
We created hardtack using a 400 year old recipe.