Symbols of Easter
We used pic collage to create a collage of symbols that we felt represented Easter.
Paschal Candles
Each year, a new candle is lit during the Easter Vigil Mass. It is called the Paschal Candle. This candle will be lit for every Mass during the Easter season. The Easter Season lasts for 50 days. The Paschal Candle is decorated with symbols to represent Christ and symbols linked to Easter such as…
Mega Maths Masters...
Well done to Alinah, Libby, Kody, Isaac, Isla, Emily, Ava, Alisia, Charlie and Cole.
Easter Assembly Celebration
Tonight the children will be coming home with their part for our Easter Celebration. As the script is divided across the whole class the parts are small but essential. Please encourage your child to learn their part off by heart to allow for smooth transitions within our Assembly. Next week your…
Spelling superstars
Well done to Charlie, Alinah, Blake, Oliver T, Ava, Kody, Alisia and Megan!
Double award winners this week...
Well done Year 2 for not only epic attendance but also outstanding environmental awareness not only winning the golden boot, but also the eco prize for the week!
Time for interaction
We have been using our learning wall to help up level our knowledge of time, why not have a try at home.
Handwriting blogstars
Well done to Ruby and Isaac for really uplevelling your handwriting in all you do!